Welcome To The Arab Amateur Radio Club
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In Arab, Alabama, ham radio enthusiasts are part of a close-knit community that thrives on the unique blend of technology and camaraderie that amateur radio offers. Known for their intricate knowledge of radio frequency communications, these individuals often gather at local events and meetings to exchange ideas, discuss the latest in radio technology, and plan group activities such as emergency preparedness drills and radio contests. Their passion for radio communication extends beyond just a hobby; it's a way of life that brings them together, fosters lifelong friendships, and serves as a vital means of communication during times of crisis.
The Club Operates Two Repeaters
146.920 MHz with a 77Hz PL Tone
443.225 MHz with a 77Hz PL Tone
Club Net
The Club host a local Net every Thursday night at 7:15pm on the 146.920 repeater
Other Local Nets
Marshall County Skywarn, Thursday Evenings at 7:00 PM on the 145.11 repeater, negative offset and 107.2Hz PL tone
The Public Safety Amateur Radio Group in Blount County has a net on Thursday evenings at 7:30PM on the 147.375, plus offset and 151.4 Hz PL tone.